Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Typical Day (Day 12 of 30)

Describe a typical day in your current life.

I am currently on vacation, but when at home, our typical day goes something like this:

Wake up around 7/7:30, argue with Jack about waking up, get ready and finally head out the door around 8.  We go to the gym (when he's not in school), run errands, have playdates/brunch/lunch dates, and finally end up at home in time for "quiet time."  (That's where Jack watches TV in the family room and I semi-unconsciously watch TV in the living room.)  Before I know it, it's time to start dinner and do a little picking up.  Somewhere in there, I fit in blogging, FB, bill paying, menu planning, calling to make doctor's appointments, grocery list writing, and social calendar planning.  Oh - and ovulation calculations.  Ha!

After dinner, Jack starts getting ready for bed - shower/bath, stories, etc.  After he goes to bed, Wayne and I watch TV.  And start laundry we suddenly remember we need washed before the next morning.  We have been trying to go to bed around 10, but it's usually more like 12 by the time we're actually asleep.  

I'd like to say I feel super productive at the end of the day, but I rarely do.  I feel like most of the day slipped by without me noticing.  But I have a happy kid and a happy husband, so I really can't complain.  

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