Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Pet peeves (Day 11 of 30)

Describe 10 pet peeves you have.

1.  Crazy drivers.  Especially when I have my child in the car.  And then the crazy person decides to flip me the finger as she races past me.

2.  Unprofessionalism.  I realize you're getting paid less than minimum wage to take my order and serve my food, but YOU chose this job.  Make the best of it.  Trust me, you'll make more in tips if you quit being a douche to your customers and stop complaining about your job within earshot.  (And this also applies to people talking about their hangovers, partying, baby daddies/mamas, and other personal business.)

3.  Flaking.  I realize things come up, but I make every effort to do what I say I'll do.  I have had to bow out of plans; we all do.  But when it happens again and again... I suspect you think it'll be "okay" with me.  It's not.  

4.  Lying.  Even tiny little "white lies."  It pisses me off, hurts my feelings, and generally makes me regard you as someone I should probably avoid.  I don't care if you're trying to spare my feelings - just tell me the truth.  I am hypersensitive to lies, so I almost always know anyway.  (Most of you are terrible liars, anyway.)

5.  Questioning my parenting choices.  I am trying my hardest to do the best thing for my kid.  So, if I say he can't have anymore sugar for the day, I have reasons - you may not understand them, but I don't care to justify myself.  And I'm sick to death of people thinking they know best.  You are not his mom or dad, so I really don't care that you disagree with me.  A treat every now and then is fine.  But when the kid has diarrhea and stomach aches... yeah, he feels better after a while, but that's no reason to dump more crap into his system.  The only person who has a right to discuss how I parent my child is my husband.  (And even he knows better.  Haha!)

6.  The belief that all Christians (of any denomination) are uber conservative, right-wing, close minded, uneducated freaks.  I'm not.  I am Christian.  I believe in God and Jesus.  I have found answers to many of my life questions in the Bible.  I have grown as a person, a parent, a wife, a daughter, a sibling and a friend since I have begun studying the Bible.  I turn to God when I have a blessing or a problem.  But that doesn't mean I believe gays are going to hell.  Or that I'm now a Republican.  (The change of heart on the gun issue you can blame on my gun-loving husband.  Haha!)  I still like to have a drink.  I still like to have fun.  Any prude-like behaviors came on as a result of having my son - long before we started attending church.  And as far as uneducated goes, most of the Christians I know have at least a Bachelor's degree.

7.  Smoking around my kid.  (Or any kids...)  I grew up with smoker parents.  My dad and stepmom quit when I was fairly young.  My mom and stepdad still smoke to this day.  It bothered me a lot, especially in the car.  Now that I'm a grown up, I get really irritated with people who smoke in their homes or cars but especially if they have kids.  The damage being done to their little lungs is just sad.  But it's gross - even if you're outside, and a kid is around, he is breathing that in.  Just walk away.  And if you're going to be around my kid, try to wash off the smoke smell when you do come back in.  He'll tell you if you stink.  haha!

8.  Competitive parenting.  I'm pretty sure I blogged about this a while back.  It still irks me.  Luckily, most of the parents I hang with don't do this.  But if you've ever been around a one-upper, you know what I mean.  Only it's magnified.  Because now, the one-upper isn't just saying you're not good enough - he/she is implying your kid is less than awesome.  And, let's face it, we all want to think our kid is the most awesome of the awesome kids.  Which is... awesome.  But when you let it get out of control, that's your own ego talking.  And that's definitely not going to do you or your kid any good.  
**Note: this definitely does not mean don't praise your kid in front of me or tell me what an awesome job he/she did on her test, karate, dance recital, etc.  Just when you start assigning genius status to your kid while we're discussing everyday things kids do... well, let's just say I am pretty sure you're a little biased.  

9.  Backseat cheffing.  This is when someone is in the kitchen while you cook and decides to throw in little "helpful hints."  Such as, "you may want to turn the heat up/down on that," or "don't you think you should slice/dice that a little smaller/bigger?"  And my favorite, "are you sure you want to do that?"  If I do want to do any of the above, I will.  I am making this meal and you should just be happy to have me cooking for you.  So, shut it, and go peel those potatoes for me, would you?

10.  Belittling my opinion.  It's fine if you disagree with me, but if you try to come off like I must be stupid to think the way I do, you come off as a douche.  I am definitely not stupid.  So, to repeat myself, shut it.  Or I just won't talk to you anymore.

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