Tuesday, August 17, 2010

TMI... Tuesday?

Okay, so LiLu over at LivitLuvit did her TMI Thursdays but I so couldn't wait two more days. And mine's really not funny like hers are. (Seriously, hI-lar-ious! Check it out. I'll wait. Or maybe you should go after you read my bitchfest - to keep you from slipping into a deep, dark place of melancholy and/or rage.)
If you hate reading about PMS, this post is not for you. There's very little gore but a lot of emotional bullshit and drama, so that's your warning. And if you dare to read on and then decide to blast me for being honest, well, I won't post your nasty little comments because I warned you to begin with and you shoulda heeded said warning so back.the.hell.off.already.
Can you tell where this is going? Really? Because I'm pretty sure most people think of me as funny and nice. (I hope, anyway.) Maybe a little bit complain-y or whiny but mostly nice and fun. (That does not apply to ex-boyfriends, people who've seriously screwed me over or my family. Not that my family belongs in the same category but because I love them, they've seen me at my worst.)
Lately, it's all I can do to keep the bitchy comments and snappish attitude under control. I seriously want to punch someone in the face. Why? Who the hell knows? Things are going really well for us so all I can think is... HORMONES. Damn things screw me every freaking month, but lately? It's outta control, dude. It feels like an exorcism needs to take place. Not only have I been cranky and on the verge of physically assaulting total strangers, but I have had heartburn for what feels like weeks. (But has only been a few days.) I haven't been sleeping. My back hurts. I don't feel like cooking or cleaning or doing anything. I don't even want to shower. Seriously. This freaking SUCKS. And, on top of it all, I'm beating myself up about being cranky, tired, heartburny, sore and generally a miserable pain in the ass to be around. Vicious cycle. Funnily enough, I know that I'll wake up in a few days (or a week) and be back to my normal self and wonder why I ever thought I was losing it. Until it starts all over again next month...

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