Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Blogging is scary!

One of the hardest things for me in blogging is really being honest and opening up.  It's one thing to post a rant about something that made me so angry at the grocery store.  Or an upbeat, positive, I'm gonna make a change! post.  Really, most of the people who read my blog aren't going to take issue.
It's the really vulnerable posts that are the scariest.  I'll write, read, edit, read, read, read... post to my blog... read, edit... and finally post to FB.  That's when the butterflies start going.  I wait, with bated breath, for the first comment to appear.  Scared to death someone is going to criticize me.  As if my feelings could be "wrong?"  Really?  Obviously, that's my own insecurities.  But it seems to be a fairly common theme amongst writers - that fear we'll go too far.  We'll write that one thing that really is putting ourselves out there and the response will either be silence or negativity.

1 comment:

  1. First off, I love you! Secondly, I commend you for opening yourself up and airing out your mind for everyone to read!
